By Dean L. Jones
While meeting with two Pastors on special event planning the conversation drifted into them sharing their extreme love for fast food, particularly greasy beef burger sandwiches and the things that accompany it. Their fervent enjoyment of consuming such items raised thoughts of just how persuaded our overall society is with freely buying and eating foodstuff commonly considered unwholesome and at times borderline toxic chow.
A large challenge on good health when choosing to eat like perhaps a chili cheese burger with a fried egg is not the actual center of attention for making a bad choice, but the diet damage that comes from the extra large cola or sugary fruit drink. For instance, a 40-ounce root beer, orange drink, or cola can weigh in at 400 calories or more, nearly as much as some fast food sandwiches.
Increasingly, the American diet is wrong side up, seeing that fast food chains are time and again substituting for the home kitchen and family dining room. Flipping the script on eating meals is a paradigm shift for our American culture together with how French fries, giant subs, and super-sized drinks make small waistlines history.
An estimated one in every two Americans is overweight or obese that is associated to controversial positions that the national budget could be spending as much as $957 billion on obesity-related issues by the year 2030. Americans are increasingly searching for tasting sweet anything. It is so bad that looking back at the years 1950 compared to 2000 the consumption of processed sugar grew from 11 pounds per person to more than 85 pounds, respectively.
Food manufacturers have quietly made processed sugar a major part of serving ingredients turning up in everything from pizza, hot dogs, some condiments, bread, canned vegetables, peanut butter, soup, and even rice mixes. The basic phrase to rub salt in the wound is appropriate for these aforementioned foodstuffs since a sugary laden sweet beverage contains as much as two times the sodium amount than a large order of French fries.
The American society is obsessed with devouring what is perceived as tasting great. The overindulgence has serious consequences from buying clothes to fit larger sizes, getting bad news from the doctor, missing opportunities due to obese conditions, and much more.
Sorry to say, this is all a selective dilemma. On the whole we are annually spend 14 billion dollars at the movie box office, $30 billion on books, $17 billion for music, and $20 billion for newspapers. These annual spend habits serve as a straightforward comparison to the rising $120 billion Americans annually spend for fast food/casual dining.
Passing over home and family dinning diminishes loving opportunities. The lure of eating out is a slippery slope not just on unhealthy consumption, but also tears apart a quality way of life. Giving a greater reason to continue moving forward with living SugarAlert!
Since 2007, Dean steadfastly shares his understanding on the dangers of eating processed sugar.